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Think Different Nation


Slow and steady does not win the race - Think Different Nation

Slow and steady does not win the race

    There is a famous phrase “Slow and steady wins the race” always presented as a way to succeed. But in the present high-tech era of globalization where millions of creative minds produce millions of innovative ideas every day, is it still applicable?

    Incredible new secrets of the Egyptian Ancient Hermetic Text for Innovation revealed - Think Different Nation

    Incredible new secrets of the Egyptian Ancient Hermetic Text for Innovation revealed

      The world operates from many different laws, but none are more important than the Universal Principals of the Kybalion at defining the process of how the innovative Mind thinks. Ever since Newton documented the movement of the planets around the solar system, man has been able to understand and measure mechanical events, a construct now known as Newtonian Physics. The significance of this one event was that he broke from… Read More »Incredible new secrets of the Egyptian Ancient Hermetic Text for Innovation revealed

      What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it - Think Different Nation - TDN Blog

      What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it?

        How many times a day do you scan social media and websites for checking headlines? If you do it most often, and you particularly look for the bad or upsetting news, then you may be a victim of doom scrolling but an uninformed one. Doom scrolling? Yes, doom scrolling which is an act of exposing yourself to negative news on the internet by scrolling endlessly, and you really find it… Read More »What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it?

        How homosapiens evolved from violent beings to peaceful ones - Think Different Nation

        How homosapiens evolved from violent beings to peaceful ones?

          How many times did it happen to you that upon getting access to the latest news, you somehow felt that we as a species are the most violent and hostile one than that of other species on this earth? Surely, it would have happened to you countless times.