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What is intuition, and why should you trust in it?

Intuitive thinking is an unconscious process for immediate actions, judgments, and choices. Most choices we make are pre-programmed in our mind. Our mind continuously creates unconscious patterns to deal with certain circumstances.

Intuition evolved and honed throughout human history – In fact, intuition is fundamental factor behind our ancestor’s survival. By employing intuition, we transform our experiences into judgements, actions and responses. You depend on intuition when you settle on choices without solid verification, logical realities, psychological proof, or dynamic thinking. 

Intuition causes us make assumptions, come to an obvious conclusion, prohibit irregularities and cautions us of possible setbacks or adversities.

So, the question is should we solely rely on rationality? or we must consider intuition while making decisions or dealing with day to day undertakings? Here is why you must trust in your intuition:

Intuition assists in decision making

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition assists in decision making - TDB BlogIt is backed by research that intuition assists us make better decisions and enhances our self-confidence in those decisions. No matter it is your professional life or personal life, intuition helps you make better decisions in every type of setting. Most of the decisions require a combination of rational thinking and intuition instead of solely relying on rational thinking; they are subjective in nature and supposed to be influenced by a variety of factors including knowledge, judgements and intuition. Rational thinking lets you process information consciously and intuitive thinking lets you process it sub-consciously; so, when a decision is a product of both conscious and sub-conscious mind then there is usually no question on its effectiveness

Intuition plays its role especially in those circumstances where an immediate decision is inevitable and you don’t have enough time to pay attention to perceived things and logical patterns. In fact, intuitive decision making sometimes proves to be superior than rational approach of decision making. 

Intuition helps you define your purpose of life

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition helps you define your purpose of life - TDN BlogIntuition lets you define your true purpose of life because it is actually the outcome of sub-conscious mind, it helps you divert you toward right direction. Whenever you start relying on your intuition you start recognizing your dreams, those dreams are usually linked to your values, this in turn helps you to recognize your life purpose.

Dreams are the mind’s method of handling data that is left over from the day. They are rich with significant information – encounters, recollections, learnings – so they can direct us if we allow them. Focusing on dreams can give information that we might not approach when we are conscious. So, before going to bed starting focusing on unresolved issues; consider available and potential options; then fall asleep and your brain will do the rest for you

Intuition enhances your creativity

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition enhances your creativity - TDN BlogWhen you start listening to your intuition, you’re more open to novel thoughts and aren’t restricted to the data your rational mind suggests. Figuring out how to sharpen your intuition encourages you to keep away from missed chances, appreciate new encounters, and settle on sudden decisions without considering those perceptions your rational mind may link to specific circumstances. 

Employing our intuition makes it simpler to change old examples and practices. In case you’re feeling stuck throughout everyday life, without any obvious reason, your intuition may play a role to cope with it. You simply need to hear it out and act.

Intuition allows you to take immediate actions

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition allows you to take immediate actions - TDN BlogIntuition especially plays its role in those circumstances when an immediate action is absolutely inevitable; when a decision must be made instantly, when you don’t have enough time to analyze pieces of information. When time is limited, intuition offers an opportunity to concentrate and think fast. For instance, while responding to an emergency there is no luxury of time, sometimes difference of few seconds proves to be a matter of life or death or success or failure. Soldiers working in a battle filed, swimmers saving the life of a drowning man, bomb disposal squad trying to dispose of a bomb are few examples of those who have to make decisions in a moment’s notice and their intuition works for them

Intuition alarms you about undesirable circumstances

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition alarms you about undesirable circumstances - TDN BlogIntuition enables you to have a good hunch of others’ intentions, so by employing your intuition if you sense bad intentions of others you prepare yourself in advance to deal with this type of distress. Sensing the intentions of others is quite beneficial not only for your personal issues but also for the professional encounters. For instance, you employ your intuition to read mind of a potential customer who has no intention to buy your product, then you will use certain tactics to convince him or her to buy your product. 

Similarly, with the help of intuition you may sense undesirable circumstances in advance and you keep yourself from taking an action or making a specific decision and think of available options to deal with those bad circumstances

Intuition allows you to dig deeper into your intelligence and wisdom

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition allows you to dig deeper into your intelligence and wisdom - TDN BlogOur subconscious mind literally processes everything we experience and saves the insights gained through all these experiences. Intuition starts developing from our birth and grows and expands each day till our death. When we confront similar circumstances that we confronted in the past, our unconscious mind automatically responds to it freeing our conscious mind to concentrate on something more intensive and novel. Thus intuition allows us to enhance our intelligence and wisdom by employing unconscious mind and freeing up conscious mind to focus on something new and innovative. 

“Intuition prepares us to respond immediately, provides confidence in our knowledge and decision making and reduces overall cognitive load” (Hogarth, 2010)

Intuition improves your overall well-being

What is intuition, and why should you trust in it - Intuition improves your overall well-being - TDN BlogTaking advantage of your intuition can be very soothing. Simply consider the occasions you needed to state “no” yet felt committed to satisfy others, so you obliged anything they desired notwithstanding your hunch advising you to pass on this one. At the point when you figure out how to make decisions intuitively, you let go of the pressure and inconvenience you may confront just for the sake of someone else. You’ll presumably end up having more energy accessible for learning, imagination, experiences, or quality time with others. 

The individuals who live intuitively enjoy better understanding of self, so it’s obvious that they can confide in their own choices, lower feelings of anxiety, and are for the most part quieter and more joyful than individuals who don’t use their intuitive powers. What’s more, normally, improving your psychological wellness generally means an improved overall well-being, so use your intuitive powers to experience other medical advantages. You may even find other extrasensory abilities you could not envision before that were rising underneath the surface.

So, relying on your intuition is equally important as relying on your rationality is. 

Think differently and trust your intuition to make choices having successful outcomes.

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