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Think Different Nation

Coaching Services


Want to do your TDN with no coaching? You can opt for our TDN complete option, the only method we offer for undertaking the assessment without any face to face feedback.

This can be done in two easy steps:

Session One:

  • 60-minute virtual introduction to TDN methodology and questionnaires as well as a framework on how to complete the questionnaires.
    TDN Type Indicator


  • Complete assessment using your personalized online tool and we will send you a complete report via email

TDN [Coaching & Consulting ]

TDN Type Indicator Consulting

Think Different Nation methodology is the first process to systematically align one’s pre-disposed tendencies directly to their intelligences types to assist our clients in better understanding how their brain works. According to Dr. Howard Gardner, Harvard professor and creator of the Multiple Intelligences theory, there are 9 different intelligence types and we all fall into at least one of the different types including: Spatial, Linguistics, Musical, etc. This runs counter to the traditional theory which suggest that there is only 1 intelligence type as supported by the IQ or Intelligences Quotient exams. TDN type indicators is the world’s first assessment tool for enabling the categorization and grouping of intelligence types around our personal tendencies. TDN’s theory of Instinctive Advantage suggests that through a combination of both nature and nurture, our behavior is connected to past experiences that have trained us to respond in particular and often subconscious ways and that by understanding our natural inclinations, we can become empowers to manage our tendencies and increase the effectiveness of in the actions we take.

At Think Different Nation we believe that knowing ourselves better enables us to both excel in your gifts while minimizing your weaknesses.

TDN for individuals

TDN | PACKAGE I with Coaching – Price: $1995*

This TDN coaching sessions three different options with our certified TDN coaches that will introduce you to the TDN methodology to clients understand the relationship between the origins of one’s natural tendencies and our personal intelligences based on Harvard University Ph.D. Howard Gardner’s groundbreaking research. Students will gain a strong understanding through both visual and qualitative aids, their personal styles and drivers in greater detail and gain a clearer picture of the 5 key tendencies that are driving their strengths.

With this five-week on-line engagement with our TDN certified coach, with take you through the following process to better understand your greatest gifts:

  • Introduction and process path:

Hour 1 – A 1 Hour mind-setting and introduction to the TDN tools. This will provide clarity as we move to the subsequent working sessions within the process and will help you to provide more relevant answers the questionnaire to follow. At the end of this one-hour clients will be asked to complete a detailed survey surrounding their tendencies ad how they are experienced.   

  • Questionnaire Results – Tendencies

Hour 2 – During the second hour we will review the answers to the survey results to develop a stronger understanding of the power each tendency has over your actions, decisions, successes and failures. This review will also include the senses through which you primarily experience the world and the impact specific senses can have in direction one’s abilities.

  • Questionnaire Results – Intelligence Types

Hour 3 – Within this third hour participants will be able to understand how their natural inclinations align with ones suggested Intelligences based on Ph.D. Howard Gardner’s groundbreaking research on intelligence types. 

  • Questionnaire Results – Assessment

Hour 4 – The fourth hour involves a 60-minute discussion session on how the intelligences align directly with the participant’s specific tendencies and ways by which they are experienced.

  • Refining One’s Skills

Hour 5 – The fifth hour is where we will take a holistic view of your results to lean further towards optimizing your gifts. We all fall into one of 5 classifications of inclinations including Emotional, Physical, Mental, Social and Metaphysical often times being a combination of one or more Observants” at different times within our loves. During this last step in the process we discuss the ways by which participants can develop the next level of skills related to their strengths, that are specific to both their intelligences as well as their Observants and inclinations.

Coaching calls are currently conducted through Zoom (audio only). There are two ways to connect to the call.

1. Online with a link I provide

2. Calling in by phone. A toll free number is only available for the US. There are local toll numbers available for most countries, and if your phone plan (cell or landline) does not include nationwide calling, you would need to check with your carrier for rates.

Sessions are paid for in full through the booking system with either our Acuity Scheduling application account or credit/debit. The site should automatically pick up your time zone but be sure to check it is correct. After we receive the booking, we will send you the information to connect to your call.

Coaching Hours: We have set coaching hours in place that you can see in my schedule below. 

Other times/days may be possible, particularly for people whose time zones make available slots inconvenient. If you are inquiring about this, please include your location and general availability so I can more quickly and easily put together potential session times.


TDN | PACKAGE II with CoachingPrice: $1995*

TDN Package 2 includes both Package One detailed assessment of one’s personal tendencies and intelligences plus:

The TDN PACKAGE 2 takes you directly into your package two gives you greater depth and clarification into your specific Instinctive Advantage which is the key to leveraging these abilities. Whilst Package 1 gives us an understanding of your tendencies and intelligences, Package 2 of TDN breaks down the processes you perform and the inclinations you leverage when you perform your best work. Package I and Package 2 options with coaching happens in an additional four engagement stages. In addition to your Package 1 results with the TDN Package 2, we will:

Observants Specialization

Hour 1 –  1 Hour intake specific to your specific tendencies, intelligences and Observant areas of concentration. This session will also set the tone for better understanding the participant’s core areas of expertise and processes you perform when you experience your greatest inclinations   

Instinctive Advantage I

Hour 2 – To understand ones “Instinctive Advantage” is to understand how your subconscious works when you execute your best actions or perform in areas where you know you need to improve. During Hour 2 you will begin to work with our specialist to identify:

  • The areas that you believe are your greatest strengths
  • The instincts or tendencies that are called upon when you’ve executed greatest abilities
  • The processes that are followed subconsciously performed

Instinctive Advantage II

Hour 3 – Within this third hour our specialist will drill down further into the processes you follow when you execute your best actions. Instincts are highly trainable once they are identified and are understood. 

Instinctive Advantage III

Hour 4 – Within this last hour we will examine options for extrapolation. One’s ability to take the processes they have captured, that represent their greatest inclinations means those tendencies can often easily be leverage across other areas of ones life – if the process and motivations are understood.

On-Going Support and Coaching:

Once you’ve completed both Packages I & II, you will be offered access to our weekly on-line meetups where you can connect with other TDN members and present questions or receive support without our group from our qualified coaches.

Coaching calls are currently conducted through Zoom (audio only). There are two ways to connect to the call.

1. Online with a link I provide

2. Calling in by phone. A toll free number is only available for the US. There are local toll numbers available for most countries, and if your phone plan (cell or landline) does not include nationwide calling, you would need to check with your carrier for rates.

Sessions are paid for in full through the booking system with either our Acuity Scheduling application account or credit/debit. The site should automatically pick up your time zone but be sure to check it is correct. After we receive the booking, we will send you the information to connect to your call.

Coaching Hours: We have set coaching hours in place that you can see in my schedule below. 

Other times/days may be possible, particularly for people whose time zones make available slots inconvenient. If you are inquiring about this, please include your location and general availability so I can more quickly and easily put together potential session times.


* Pricing for Package Two does not include Package One pricing.

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