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Think Different Nation

Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence

The capacity to have strong grip over one’s body motions & ability to manipulate objects tactfully. People having bodily kinesthetic intelligence are adept at making accurate connections among body & mind and among their five basic senses in order to perform a physical action. It’s all about accessing the perfect timing & unifying mind & body. Athletes, swimmers, artisans, instrumentalists, actors & dancers exhibit some level of proficiency in bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

COVID-19 restrictions relaxed, how to resocialize - Think Different Nation - Blog

COVID-19 restrictions relaxed, how to resocialize?

To date, 304 million doses have been given to US citizens while 140 million US citizens are fully vaccinated so far. Around the globe, these numbers are total doses given: 2.12 billion, and fully vaccinated people 458 million. Various restrictions have been relaxed as the number of people getting vaccinated is going up each day. It’s time to resocialize but it’s really hard to get back to
pre-pandemic social life after a full year of isolation.

Evolution and importance of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - TDN Blog

Evolution and importance of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

    Choreographers or dancers amusing their audience with their dance performance; actors or mime performers acting on stage; athletes well known for their amazing ability in quick ball game; inventors inventing new tools or devising new inventions are few examples of individuals having highly evolved bodily kinesthetic intelligence. Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence? Yes, you read it right, bodily kinesthetic intelligence as defined by the American development psychologist and the author of the… Read More »Evolution and importance of bodily-kinesthetic intelligence