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Think Different Nation


Human Behavior

Do we have the capacity to control our instinctive behavior - Think Different Nation - Blog

Do we have the capacity to control our instinctive behavior?

    There is a duality within each of us, we think that we intentionally control our actions, but our behavior is far from reasoned and intentioned. Within each one of us, there are two beings: 1. Reasoned being 2. Instinctive being. Both of them compete for controlling our actions and the instinctive being wins. Two different parts of the brain (primitive and higher brain) control these two different beings.

    Don’t give people power over you - Think Differently - TDN Blog

    Don’t give people power over you

      Do you know most successful, resilient, and mentally strong people have one thing in common and that is they don’t let others influence them? They don’t give other people too much power over their life

      Over-thinking trap - how to get out of it - Think Differently - TDN Blog

      Over-thinking trap – how to get out of it?

        Many people seem very intelligent, competent, and talented; but when they are supposed to make a decision, they get stuck in overanalyzing and indecision. You know why? Because they fall into the trap of overthinking. They consider several possibilities before making a decision that makes them less effective; they find it very hard to take any action – this leads towards inaction. Of course, you must consider all options to… Read More »Over-thinking trap – how to get out of it?

        Why practicing introspection is important for you?

          You know pretty well which appetizers you like and which you don’t, but how do you feel about broader perspectives such as self-esteem; in order to have a whole picture of your inner self, you must look at where you actually lie and your stance about a variety of things. This may be explored through practicing introspection. Introspection, self-observation, or self-contemplation are often used interchangeably to explain the complex process… Read More »Why practicing introspection is important for you?