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Think Different Nation


Bring your innovative ideas to reality by using the proprietary technology of ICT

    Bring your innovative ideas to reality by using the methodology and proprietary technology of Ideation Control Tower They are watching you Less Brown often speaks of the fear of lying on his deathbed and having all of the ideas that ever came to him, standing with great concern and stating specifically: “Why didn’t you do anything with us? Out of the billions of people that exist on this earth, we… Read More »Bring your innovative ideas to reality by using the proprietary technology of ICT

    Is IQ a determinant of success in life - Think Different Nation - TDN Blog

    Is IQ a determinant of success in life?

      People who are winners of the IQ battle are not necessarily the winners of the game of life, too. There are many people who score low on the IQ test but have unbelievably amazing personality traits – someone with a low IQ score may be a most gifted multitasker, a great conversationalist, a surprisingly most emotionally intelligent person and so on….

      What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it - Think Different Nation - TDN Blog

      What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it?

        How many times a day do you scan social media and websites for checking headlines? If you do it most often, and you particularly look for the bad or upsetting news, then you may be a victim of doom scrolling but an uninformed one. Doom scrolling? Yes, doom scrolling which is an act of exposing yourself to negative news on the internet by scrolling endlessly, and you really find it… Read More »What is doomscrolling trap & how to get out of it?