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Think Different Nation


May 2022

Creativity is a cognitive process not an event - Think Different Nation

Creativity is a cognitive process not an event

    What comes to your mind when you think about ‘creativity’? Eureka moments? Remember, creativity is not all about eureka moments or flashes of insights – creativity or creative thinking is a process, a cognitive process, not an event. It’s a process that helps us produce new ideas or transforms old ideas into better and updated ideas.

    Slow and steady does not win the race - Think Different Nation

    Slow and steady does not win the race

      There is a famous phrase “Slow and steady wins the race” always presented as a way to succeed. But in the present high-tech era of globalization where millions of creative minds produce millions of innovative ideas every day, is it still applicable?

      Capture experiences in order to be more creative - Think Different Nation

      Capture experiences in order to be more creative

        If you feel stuck, frustrated, bored or demotivated then you must open yourself up to e possibilities. It’s very difficult to make progress along the journey of life without discovering new possibilities. New possibilities are the product of the creative thinking process. Creative thinking is the process of coming up with new ideas. ‘New ideas’ does not mean a revolutionary thought or a radical idea, it might be in the form of small subtle shifts in the existing ideas or things. In other words, making small moves towards expanding your horizons. 

        The role of unconscious thought processes in the creative process - Think Different Nation

        The role of unconscious thought processes in the creative process

          Can we think creatively, both consciously and subconsciously? Yes, both conscious and unconscious brain processes play a role in ideas generation. There is a famous theory in the field of behavioral science known as ‘system 1 and system 2 thinking’ or ‘the process of thinking fast and slow’.